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Zhi Ping Xu

Zhi Ping Xu

University of Queensland, Australia

Title: Cancer Treatment using Inorganic Nanoparticles


Biography: Zhi Ping Xu


In this talk, I will briefly introduce the research work done in our group for the cancer treatment using inorganic nanoparticles as the drug/gene carriers. Our research targets both the short term and the long term therapies. For the short term therapy, we aim to 1) target deliver drug/gene for efficient treatment; 2) use one nanoparticle to deliver two or more therapeutics and synergize the efficiency. For the long term therapy, we aim to enhance the host immune system to battle against the cancers by developing nanoparticles to deliver the immune components (vaccines, cytokines etc) or activate the immune cells (e.g. T-cells). I will present our research in vaccine nanoadjuvants and enhancemnt of T cell immunity by specifically delivering RNAi molecules.