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Kimberly Harding

Kimberly Harding

Monarch Innovation Partners, USA

Title: Project Orchid – An Open Science-Open Source technology framework for sustainable global health innovation partnerships associated with infectious and chronic disease initiatives


Biography: Kimberly Harding


There is a need for an Open Science-Open Source technology framework to bridge chronic business process and technology disparities between High, Middle, and Low Income Country research collaborators for sustainable partnerships in global health innovation for infectious and chronic diseases. We will illustrate the use of an Open Science-Open Source framework and technology platform called Project Orchid; a conceptual 3D health intelligence exchange and virtual innovation model designed to support multi-national collaboration efforts in the Global Health sector. Our hypothesis is that our proposed framework will enable clinical research and care delivery partnerships to improve their research approaches for drug discovery efforts and new care model design. The following scenarios will be highlighted: a) A scalable Open Science solution specifically designed to address the data sharing challenges that multinational clinical research organizations experience for Multi-Resistant Strain and Extensively Resistant Strain TB research cohorts across High, Middle and Low Income countries. Our current research proposal with 10 countries spanning the U.S., India, 7 central and sub-Saharan African countries and Germany will be discussed. B) A Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) e-Health Innovation model designed to connect primary care physicians, nephrologists and public health scientists, that address disparities in chronic kidney disease management for high risk patient population groups. This includes providing a socio-economic and genomic assessment toolkit, a virtual 3D collaboration environment for CKD biomarker research and a mHealth patient engagement for biosurveillance efforts and care management coaching. Our current research proposal with the UCLA School of Medicine will be discussed.