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Nadia Benkirane

Nadia Benkirane

INSERM, France

Title: Smart and Living Implant Equipped with Active therapeutics and Stem cells for Regenerative Nanomedicine


Biography: Nadia Benkirane


Recently, we have reported an active nanostructured collagen implant reinforced with human stem cells for bone regeneration. In our group, we have reported a "Smart Hybrid Materials Equipped with Nanoreservoirs of Therapeutics and stem cells". This unique nanotechnology strategy is used to entrap, protect, and stabilize therapeutic agents into polymer coatings acting as nanoreservoirs enrobing nanofibers of implantable membranes. Upon contact with cells, therapeutic agents become available through enzymatic degradation of the nanoreservoirs. As cells grow, divide, and infiltrate deeper into the porous membrane, they trigger slow and progressive release of therapeutic agents that, in turn, stimulate further cell proliferation. This constitutes the first instance of a smart living nanostructured hybrid membrane for regenerative medicine. The cell contact-dependent bioerodible nanoreservoirs described here will permit sustained release of drugs, genes, growth factors, etc., opening a general route to the design of sophisticated cell-therapy implants capable of robust and durable regeneration of a broad variety of tissues.