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Gisèle Clofent-Sanchez

Gisèle Clofent-Sanchez

Bordeaux University, France


Gisele Clofent-Sanchez is currently a Director of Research in Bordeaux University (France). She is head of the “Molecular Targeting of Atheroma” group. She obtained her PhD in Immunology and Molecular Biology from the University of Montpellier in 1989. She became a permanent researcher in 1992 in the laboratory of Alan Nurden into the field of platelet immunology. She moved to translational approaches in atherosclerosis in 2003 and has acquired expertise in in vivo phage-display. Her team works on the selection of human antibodies recognizing molecules in the pathological context, for their transfer in potential diagnostic and/or therapeutic agents


Abstract : Theranostic of atherosclerosis using human antibody-targeted multi-modal nanoparticles for in situ drug delivery