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Chen-Sheng Yeh

Chen-Sheng Yeh

National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan


Chen-Sheng Yeh received a MS degree from National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, and a PhD degree in Chemistry from University of Georgia, USA, in 1993. He then worked as Post-doctoral fellow at Department of Chemistry in Purdue University, USA. He started as an Associate Professor at the Department of Chemistry, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, in 1995. He was promoted to Professor and Distinguished Professor in 2001 and 2009, respectively. Currently, he is the Coordinator of Displicine of Chemistry, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan. His research focuses on the development of functional nanomaterials in biological applications and the area of nanostructured characteristics and has published over 100 SCI papers


Abstract : Stimuli-responsive nanomaterial’s in cancer therapy